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Scholastic BookFlix is an online literacy resource that pairs classic video storybooks from Weston Woods with related nonfiction eBooks from Scholastic to build a love of reading and learning. This interactive resource will help them get excited about reading and books and extends learning beyond school hours.

BookFlix includes:

  • 85 classic video storybooks each paired with a related nonfiction eBook.
  • Spanish language versions of 21 pairs.
  • Read-aloud supports so students can hear each book narrated and also hear definitions of keywords and directions for each activity.
  • Educational games and activities so children can show what they have learned.
  • Safe, age-appropriate web links selected by Scholastic’s editors so kids can extend their learning on a topic.
  • Meet the author section to learn more about the author of each fiction book.

Scholastic BookFlix is specifically created to support non-, beginning, and reluctant readers – it’s the perfect resource for independent reading practice at school and at home!